I am an Associate Professor at the IKR3 Lab of the University of Milano-Bicocca.

My main interests are in Knowledge Representation. I devise techniques for solving non-standard reasoning problems, and extend knowledge representation formalisms (in particular Description Logics) to handle meta-knowledge. I like to explore new challenges, and have worked in many different topics.

My latest interest is in the representation and use of uncertainty in knowledge

This page is constantly being updated

[2024-10-11] Panelist at Milano Digital Week (https://regains.disco.unimib.it/milano-digital-week/)
[2024-10-03] Panelist at Festival delle Trasformazioni (https://wetown.it/eventi/ia-motore-della-prosperita-mondiale/)
[2024-09-17] Winner of the Distinguished Paper Award from RuleML+RR 2024 (https://2024.declarativeai.net/events/ruleml-rr)
[2024-03-05] Invited Speaker at the Stellar Network Seminar
[2024-03-01] Invited Speaker at the Description Logics Seminar (https://dl.kr.org/seminar)

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